Hi, I’m Lisa Meta…
I know what it’s like to be afraid of staying stuck and never reaching your potential.
For many years I was in panic about money. I was in serious debt and didn’t know if I could ever get out from under it. I was losing trust in myself and feeling betrayed by my own mind and actions. Something had to change.
My personal frustration with this cycle of trying and failing led me to a crossroads – either get control of my finances or let my lifestyle run me into the ground! Through my personal journey of healing obsessive thinking and mastering my mind I created The Science of Change™, a process for people who feel stuck and want to break through negative thinking into positive action to reach their potential in money, relationships, and health.
My self-mastery trainings teach a life-enhancing approach to reprogramming the mind for success, visualizing a desired future, and creating aligned action to arrive at a desired new way of behaving and being.
Through my personal journey of next level growth, I experienced what I’m actually capable of, including turning debt into profit and a thriving business. I now trust myself and feel confident in my ability to make aligned decisions in service of my big vision.